【同义词辨析】 2020-06-08 枝条shoot-limb

shoot: stresses actual growing and is applicable chiefly to new growth from a bud: allowed only the strongest ~s to grow.   bud萌芽、花蕾,可长成叶花枝a compact knob-like growth which develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot,如trees begin to bud in the spring树在春天开始发芽,如the roses are in bud玫瑰花含苞欲放,词组nip something in the bud消灭于萌芽状态、防患于未然,如the problem of drugs in school has to be nipped in the bud学校毒品问题必须防患于未然,如it is important to recognize the evil and nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand重要的是要甄辨出恶行并尽早清除,以免不可收拾)

branch: suggests a spreading out by dividing and subdividing and applies typically to a matured member arising from a primary stem or truck or from a division or subdivision of one of these: ~es silhouetted against the sky.     silhouette轮廓,特别是在浅色背景下的黑色轮廓

bough: may replace branch, in reference to a tree or shrub, especially when the notion of foliage or blossom or fruit is prominent: pine ~s for Christmas decoration.

limb: is likely to apply to a main branch arising directly from a trunk: the great ~s of the old oak.      limb还表示肢体,如he was very tall with long limbs他个儿很高, 四肢很长    trunk树干the main woody stem of a tree

shoot嫩枝条: 指由嫩芽长出的新枝,branch分支: 表示从主干发展的、已经长成的分支,bough分支枝叶: 也表示分支,但突出叶花果,limb枝干: 指从树干长出的主要分支

记忆方法: 1)首字母SBBL碧碧绿树<==莽莽枝条     ""本义是"脱离竹茎的竹枝",引申指植物的"枝茎",后来为此义造专字"",后引申指人的肢体,后来为此义造专字“”;又引申指支应支撑支持 千字文有句"园莽抽条yuán mǎng chōu tiáo",指园林里的草木抽出了新的枝条,木本植物春天会抽条,草本植物会拔节,"莽"是指草木茂盛、莽莽苍苍的样子

         2)枝条的意思是从植物根茎长出的部分mean one of the members of a plant that are outgrowths from a crown or from a main base or one of its divisions.   crown根茎,位于植物的根和茎中间,接近地面,其下是根,其上是茎。